Security equipment and fire markings check

Mandatory regular checks

It is essential to plan meticulous and regular checks of your fire fighting equipment. It can be either extinguishers, fire doors, alarms, smoke alarms, or warnings lights…

In places that are subject to the Labour Code, like industrial companies, fire-fighting equipment must be controlled at least twice a year.

In public access buildings (PAB), or high-rise buildings (HRB), checks must be performed annually.

GEMA makes regulatory check technicians’ work easier and enables keeping a record of the achievement of the controls on the fire equipment.

Automatic planning

Our intervention monitoring tablet app, GEMA, enables planning check and control interventions on emergency and fire-fighting equipment.

Assign those interventions to your service providers or technicians. They directly appear in their tablet calendar!

Intervention and mission reports

Using the RFID scan (optional) or taking pictures proves that the control on the equipment or fire-fighting equipment was properly done. You get an evidence of the passage of the person responsible for the regulatory controls on your fire-fighting equipment. So you can be sure that every checkpoint was properly controlled.

Intervention reports can be entered directly on the tablet. They are dematerialised, and sent to the admin platform as soon as the tablet or smartphone is connected to the internet.

Maintenance des portes coupe feu
Contrôle des alarmes incendie

GEMA is also…