Service providers management and monitoring app

Your company called on the services of an external company?

See how GEMA can help you coordinate all your service providers!

Plan all the required interventions!

Our activity monitoring app is particularly useful to track the progress of the tasks carried out on an equipment or a specific unit. If you call on external service providers to perform the maintenance on your equipment, or the upkeep of your goods, GEMA is the tool you need!

Assign in a few clics all the tasks you want to outsource to your service providers. And they will find their planning directly on their tablet or smartphone!

Intervention reports directly on tablet

Make the interactions with your service providers and subcontractors easier thanks to our intervention management app. Once he received his planning on his mobile device, your service provider can look at your process and operating procedures in order to perform his task according to your instructions.

Once he finished his work, he can write his intervention report directly into the app, what prevents documents loss, unreadable and incomplete texts… Data processing is easier, and you can see in a blink of an eye if the intervention planning was respected or if an incident occurred.

Easily track outsourced interventions

Check in a few seconds on your smartphone, tablet or computer that your service provider came to perform the mission you gave him. Indeed, the reports written by your subcontractor are sent to you automatically once he validates them.

Gestion et suivi de prestataires
Gestion et suivi de prestataires
Gestion et suivi de prestataires