Preventive and periodic maintenance management on tablets

You are working in the industry or in any other sector where it is essential to check the proper functioning of a machine before using it?

A technical dysfunction can endanger your team or weaken your productivity?

GEMA can help you in the preventive control management (or TPM) of your equipment to ensure your activity safe continuity.

How to make the preventive control easier in the industrial sector?

A good preventive maintenance management can be realised very easily at the beginning of each working day thanks to our activity management and intervention monitoring mobile app. With just a few taps on their mobile device, your technicians can see what preventive control checks they have to take on your equipment before using it. You can plan work orders at any moment.

Traceability of pre shift controls in the industry

The TPM dematerialisation on tablets enables a 100% reliable traceability of irregularities. In case of difference, the irregularity is automatically saved, and the maintenance team is automatically warned for a curative operation.

Preventive maintenance management dematerialised report

We know that periodic controls are essential to the proper continuity of your activity. That is why GEMA ensures the good maintenance of your equipment and the proper management of your production area thanks to its “Report” feature.

Our app enables technicians to enter their report directly on the tablet or mobile device (PDA, smartphone…). This dematerialised report ensures that all required fields are properly filled and perfectly understandable.

No internet connection?

No worries, GEMA does not need an internet connection to run. Users can enter their report into the app in offline mode. Team leaders and managers will be able to read it once the tablet or mobile device has returned to the shop or office where a Wi-Fi, 4G or ethernet connection is available.

Maintenance préventive et dématérialisation
Maintenance préventive et dématérialisation

Why choosing GEMA as TPM tool for tablets?

  • 100% customisable

    Completely customisable, GEMA can be used in every industrial sector, and on all types of machine.

  • Time saving

    Preventive controls delay the machine operator effective start of work. GEMA enables him to reduce the time dedicated to TPM.

  • Security

    Thanks to equipment RFID identification, you can be sure that preventive controls have been performed on the correct equipment.

  • Traceability

    Each preventive maintenance action is automatically saved and given to team leaders and managers.

GEMA is also…